Civic participation is a vital part of democratic governance, as it also empowers rights-holders {citizens} to hold duty-bearers {public authorities} accountable.
Women’s civic and political participation is crucial for democracy and is central to achieving inclusive, equitable and sustainable development. The right of women to participate in political life is guaranteed by several international conventions, including resolutions such as the Beijing Platform for Action 1995 {later revised at the 23rd Special Session of the United Nations (UN) General Assembly held in June 2000} that urge governments to promote progress towards gender balance, including women’s equal access to and full participation on the basis of equality with men in all areas and at all levels of public life, especially in decision-making positions, in political parties and political activities.
Under this pillar, we seek to deepen grassroots women’s collective power and advance practical actions that challenge and change the status quo, shift power and increase women’s influence on issues that affect them and their communities.
In the rights component of this pillar, we prioritize women and girls sexual and reproductive health rights; and domestic and gender-based violence. We believe that in the local communities, these must be addressed concurrently. This is because, patriarchy and heterosexual norms create deeply entrenched attitudes and practices that relegate women and girls to a low socio-economic status increasing opportunities for abuse and harmful practices. These include child marriages, female genital mutilation, and lack of access to reproductive health services. We intervene through public education and advocacy to eradicate these practices and empower as well as influence policies at the county level to improve access to SRHR services for girls and women.